The purpose of these groups is to bring encouragement and healing to hurting people. Group schedules vary, so call for the latest information.
Celebrate Recovery Open Meetings
Celebrate Recovery is a proven, groundbreaking recovery curriculum that is distinctively Christian and uncompromisingly Biblical. It addresses Alcoholism, Divorce, Sexual Abuse, Codependency, Domestic Violence, Drug Addiction, Sexual Addiction, Food Addiction, Gambling Addictions and others. This group meets Tuesday nights at 7:00PM.
Grief and Loss Group
The loss of a loved one can be so devastating. Even Christians suffer when they lose someone, but God provides peace and comfort as we learn to depend on Him. This group is for those who have lost a loved one; for other kinds of losses, come to Celebrate Recovery. If you are interested in the schedule, please email Pastor Dave Smith at dave@highlands.us.
Other Groups
At various times we also offer support for those needing help dealing with anger, stress or chronic illness; and we offer special special SuperGroups, where groups combine to get help coping with the holidays.
For details about our support groups, please email Pastor Dave Smith at dave@highlands.us.