
Movie and Dessert Night

Tuesday, December 31st @ 7:00PM

Please join us for a fun, fellowship-filled evening led by Pastor Dave and the CR team on Tuesday, December 31, 7pm! The event will feature a family-friendly movie, I Can Only Imagine, in the sanctuary, followed by dessert & fellowship in the cafeteria. We will end the last night of the year in prayer, giving thanks to God for a wonderful year and for His blessing, guidance and protection for 2025!

Please email Pastor Dave at dave@highlands.us if you have any questions.
To register for this event click the below.

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to Mar 2

Men's Retreat 2025

Highlands Men's Retreat 2025: "Humility & Unity"
February 28 through March 2, 2025

Calling all fathers, sons, grandfathers, uncles, nephews, grandsons and brothers in Christ! Highlands Men's Ministries is hosting Men's Retreat 2025 at Mount Hermon and you are invited to join us.
This will be an awesome weekend of fellowship, praise & worship, great teaching, friendly sports & activities, and delicious meals. Don't miss out!

Retreat-Conference Verse:
“Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself”
Philippians 2:3

Our special speaker will be James Grassi!
Worship sessions will be led by Thomas and Daniel Grassi.

Registration will begin December 29th.

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Missed a special event, you can watch it online!

Watch Here.