Vacation Bible
School 2024

We need your help

If you are interested, please click the image for volunteer registration.

We are the Children’s Ministry for the Church of the Highlands. Our goal is to encourage parents to model Jesus Christ in their everyday lives, by providing them with guidance and resources so they can successfully bring up a generation of God loving children. 

We will be making the following changes to our Sunday program starting 1st Sunday of January 2024 

8:30AM Service: no Sunday School class: Childcare will be available for small children ages 3-5 in room 105, and nursery/toddler room  will be available as a parents room for attendees to care for their 0-2 year old kids  while listening in to the service 

10AM Service: Kids Church in rooms 107 and 108: Our program will include Lively Worship, interactive ice breakers, graded level Bible lesson. Snacks will be provided, as well as free play time 
3 years old (potty trained) to 5th grade
**Nursery Room available as Parents Room for families with children ages 0-2**

11:30 AM Service: Sensory Friendly Hour in room 108 and 109: A quiet space that is dedicated for our kids  to experience our Bible lessons through learning stations . We will encourage kids to explore each station in their own time, with a buddy or on their own. Snacks will be provided as well as free play time. 
Ages:  3 years old (potty trained) to 5th grade
**Nursery Room available as Parents Room for families with children ages 0-2**

5PM Service: Bible at the Science Lab: Enjoy a hands on experience with our Bible lesson at the Science lab  with Mr. Mozzone after worship time in the sanctuary. Snacks will be provided 
Ages: Kinder through 5th grade 
**Nursery Room available as Parents Room for families with children ages 0-4 **

For more information or if you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact us at


Can I bring food for my children? 

Unless arrangements have been made with our Children’s Leadership Team, outside food is not allowed in the classroom. Parents may bring a bottle of water for their children labeled with their name. Individually packaged snacks will be provided.


AWANA is our midweek evening program for children that focuses on learning God’s Word in a fun atmosphere. AWANA meets on Wednesdays at 6:30pm during the school year (August through May). Each week provides consistent, positive teaching that encourages strong moral and spiritual values.

The program is intended for children (ages 4-12) through 6th grade. If you have any questions, please email